Thursday, September 18, 2008
2.) it can't be helped, there are a lot of hackers, companies should invest more on protecting their precious information so that they can avoid losing it.
3.)they can get lazy, they cannot devote time in their work.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Even as Google keeps growing, competitors are taking aim at the Internet's top search service.
America Online recently signed a contract for Google to provide search results to its members, starting this summer — which could add 34 million to the legions worldwide who already make their first stop when searching for information among the Web's billions of pages or looking for bulletin-board posts on specific topics among Usenet's thousands of newsgroups.
But a recent wave of competitors has surfaced to try to provide alternatives to one of the Web's biggest success stories.
"There's lots of room for others," insists Paul Gardi of competitor, which owns Ask Jeeves and Direct Hit and recently launched Teoma. "You may love Coca-Cola, but you wouldn't want to drink it at every meal."
Google, founded in 1998, has come to redefine — and to dominate — searching for data on the Net. Its results are widely considered superior and more relevant than those from older competitors. Google usage has grown 54% over the past six months. It's No. 6 on Jupiter Media Metrix's monthly rankings, reaching 33 million users in March — more than other top sites such as eBay and Amazon.
A new study from finds nearly half of all searches globally go through Google; second-place Yahoo (which actually licenses Google to provide its Web searches) draws about one in five.
Google's results are based in part on popularity: Those sites that are linked to most often from other Web pages, and those that get the most hits, tend to rise to the top of the search rankings. New competitors build upon and refine that concept:
Teoma (Gaelic for "expert") also offers input from specialized sites created by experts. A search for "June weddings" on Teoma displayed results for planner associations and advice sites with FAQs on the ins and outs of the ceremony.
Wisenut, owned by Look Smart (which also supplies search technology to MSN), helps users with multiple ways to reword their searches to come up with better results. A query on "roller-blading" brings up links to sites for equipment makers, articles and books on the sport, and also suggests refinements such as "skate blading," "inline skating" and "roller blades.", owned by the Norwegian firm Fast Search and Transfer, tries to out-Google Google by offering specific search engines for MP3s, video and photographs on its little-advertised "technology showcase" site. Like Wisenut, it offers category refinements to make the search easier.
"The last thing anyone wants is for the only search player to be Google," says Danny Sullivan, the editor of Search Engine Watch, an online newsletter. "Having competition makes them better."
Google's response to the new entries: Bring them on. "We're glad to have companies focusing on Web search, and we hope it will raise general awareness about the value of search engines," says Google's Craig Silverstein. "When we started, not all companies were focused on that."
Google recently unveiled two new services. For really tough questions, Google now offers answers from experts for a fee, starting at $5. It also added a free news search tool to its engine, allowing users to go beyond Web pages and discussion groups with real-time indexing of newspaper and magazine articles.
Yahoo offers a similar service, but only as part of its directory, which points to a specific group of newspapers. A recent search for Bill Clinton on .com retrieved topical articles from the Associated Press, Reuters, The New York Times, USA TODAY and the Arizona Republic. The reach at went much wider, with papers from Iran, the United Kingdom, Singapore, North Carolina, Seattle and Miami, plus CNN, Reuters and E!
"We are always considering new services," Silverstein says. "Our goal is to find all the world's information and get it to people. A news service is one part of that."
While Google has attracted millions of users, the search engine reaping the most profit these days is Overture (formerly, one of the few publicly traded dot-coms to post positive financial results. Last year it made $20 million on $288 million in revenues.
Most users probably haven't heard of Overture, but they come across it all the time, thanks to the behind-the-scenes partnerships common in the search industry.
Overture offers advertisers paid placement on Web sites. While you won't see a "Brought to you by Overture" blurb, its results are seen at the top of searches performed at America Online (where it will soon be replaced by Google), MSN, Yahoo and AltaVista, among others. For example, a search for "Mother's Day" on Yahoo puts "sponsor matches" first, then offers to buy flowers and gifts, followed by editorial links about the history of the day and famous moms.
"We're like search meets the Yellow Pages," says Overture's Harry Chandler. "If someone is looking for information, the fact that an advertiser is paying is irrelevant."
Of the top search firms, the only one that doesn't have a deal with Overture is Google, which has its own paid listings program. Overture has filed a patent infringement suit, claiming Google is stealing its pay-for-placement technology. Google denies it; Overture won't discuss the suit.
Besides text-based ads and sponsored listings, Google makes money by licensing technology to other sites (searches on are provided by Google, for example). Its contract with Yahoo is up next month, and Yahoo hasn't said how it plans to proceed.
Google rivals are already lining up to challenge Google's Yahoo deal. Fast is already making its pitch: "You better believe it," says Fast's Stephen Baker.
Fast powers Lycos, but doesn't advertise its own, despite its growing reputation, because "that would put us in conflict with our customers," Baker says. "If I'm Yahoo, I want people searching at my site, not at Google."
Sullivan calls Fast technology the up-and-comer, "No. 2 to Google, in terms of relevancy (of results)." But he doesn't believe Google can be toppled soon. "The real fight will be who can be No. 2. There's a lot of duking it out to be had."
Google's advantage is more of a company philosophy than a technicaladvantage. Thus far they have simply remembered what works on theInternet. Some history.
Back in the days of Yore, (lets see that was a whole 8 years agomaybe), search engines weren't very good. They were better thannothing, but trying to find things took quite a bit of skill or alarge sense of humor. You could put in a query and almost anythingwould come up, and that anything would number in the 10,000's. AResearcher on the web could use plus and minus signs, quotes and ANDOR logic to wade through the results, getting a bit better listingsfor his query, but for the average user, it was still a mess.
META keyword tags were then used, because the thought was "You knowwhat your page is about, so you tell us" and that worked a littlebetter for a while until the marketing people got a hold of the idea.Any marketing person will tell you that it is better to have yourcompany name show up as much as possible, than to only show up whenit's relevant. "Keep your product in view" is the thought there, sowebmasters started putting all kinds of keywords in their META tags,and descriptions. Not based on the contents of the page but on thepopularity of the keywords used for searches.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My security
My security is usually enforced through access control, auditing, and encryption.
Access control ensures and restricts who can connect and what can be done to the database.
Auditing logs what action or change has been performed, when and by who.
Encryption: Since security has become a major issue in recent years, many commercial database vendors provide built-in encryption mechanism. Data is encoded natively into the tables and deciphered "on the fly" when a query comes in. Connections can also be secured and encrypted if required using DSA, MD5, SSL or legacy encryption standard.
Types of database
A lot of the sites that we visit on the web today are generated by a script of some description, and a great deal of them will use a database in one form or another. Like it or loathe it, building pages dynamically from databases is a technique that is here to stay.
There are two main types of database; flat-file and relational. Which is the best one to use for a particular job will depend on factors such as the type and the amount of data to be processed; not to mention how frequently it will be used.
The flat-file style of database are ideal for small amounts of data that needs to be human readable or edited by hand. Essentially all they are made up of is a set of strings in one or more files that can be parsed to get the information they store; great for storing simple lists and data values, but can get complicated when you try to replicate more complex data structures. That's not to say that it is impossible to store complex data in a flat-file database; just that doing so can be more costly in time and processing power compared to a relational database. The methods used for storing the more complex data types, are also likely to render the file unreadable and un-editable to anyone looking after the database.
The typical flat-file database is split up using a common delimiter. If the data is simple enough, this could be a comma, but more complex strings are usually split up using tabs, new lines or a combination of characters not likely to be found in the record itself.
One of the main problems with using flat files for even a semi-active database is the fact that it is very prone to corruption. There is no inherent locking mechanism that detects when a file is being used or modified, and so this has to be done on the script level. Even if care is taken to lock and unlock the file on each access, a busy script can cause a "race condition" and it is possible for a file to be wiped clean by two or more processes that are fighting for the lock; the timing of your file locks will become more and more important as a site gets busy.
Database Management (DBM)
The Database Management Layer allows script programmers to store information as a pair of strings; a key, which is used to find the associated value. Essentially, a DBM adds more functionality and better sortation during storage to the binary flat-files that it uses. There are several versions of DBMs available, but the most popular is the Berkley Database Manager; also known as the Berkley DB.
The Berkley DB is an improvement over normal flat-files, as it provides a way for programmers to use the database without having to worry about how the data is stored or how to retrieve the values. Retrieval of data using the Berkley DB is often much faster than from a flat-file, with the time savings being made by storing data in a way that speeds up the locating of a specific key-value pair.
Creating, editing and deleting data when using the Berkley DB is actually quite simple; once the database has been tied to the script you just use and manipulate the variables as normal. The problem of file locking that plagues flat-file databases is still apparent when using DBM, so you should still take care when planning scripts that utilize it.
The relational databases such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle, have a much more logical structure in the way that it stores data. Tables can be used to represent real world objects, with each field acting like an attribute. For example, a table called books could have the columns title, author and ISBN, which describe the details of each book where each row in the table is a new book.
The "relation" comes from the fact that the tables can be linked to each other, for example the author of a book could be cross-referenced with the authors table (assuming there was one) to provide more information about the author. These kind of relations can be quite complex in nature, and would be hard to replicate in the standard flat-file format.
One major advantage of the relational model is that, if a database is designed efficiently, there should be no duplication of any data; helping to maintain database integrity. This can also represent a huge saving in file size, which is important when dealing with large volumes of data. Having said that, joining large tables to each other to get the data required for a query can be quite heavy on the processor; so in some cases, particularly when data is read only, it can be beneficial to have some duplicate data in a relational database.
Relational databases also have functions "built in" that help them to retrieve, sort and edit the data in many different ways. These functions save script designers from having to worry about filtering out the results that they get, and so can go quite some way to speeding up the development and production of web applications.
Database Comparisons
In most cases, you would want your database to support various types of relations; such databases, particularly if designed correctly, can dramatically improve the speed of data retrieval as well as being easier to maintain. Ideally, you will want to avoid the replication of data within a database to keep a high level of integrity, otherwise changes to one field will have to be made manually to those that are related.
While several flat-files can be combined in such a way as to be able to emulate some of the behaviours of a relational database, it can prove to be slower in practice. A single connection to a relational database can access all the tables within that database; whereas a flat file implementation of the same data would result in a new file open operation for each table.
All the sorting for flat-file databases need to be done at the script level. Relational databases have functions that can sort and filter the data so the results that are sent to the script are pretty much what you need to work with. It is often quicker to sort the results before they are returned to the script than to have them sorted via a script, few scripting languages are designed to filter data effectively and so the more functions a database supports, the less work a script has to do.
If you are only working with a small amount of data that is rarely updated then a full blown relational database solution can be considered overkill. Flat-file databases are not as scaleable as the relational model, so if you are looking for a suitable database for more frequent and heavy use then a relational database is probably more suitable.
History of database
The first database management systems were developed in the 1960s. A pioneer in the field was Charles Bachman. Bachman's early papers show that his aim was to make more effective use of the new direct access storage devices becoming available: until then, data processing had been based on punched cards and magnetic tape, so that serial processing was the dominant activity. Two key data models arose at this time: CODASYL developed the network model based on Bachman's ideas, and (apparently independently) the hierarchical model was used in a system developed by North American Rockwell later adopted by IBM as the cornerstone of their IMS product. While IMS along with the CODASYL IDMS were the big, high visibility databases developed in the 1960s, several others were also born in that decade, some of which have a significant installed base today. Two worthy of mention are the PICK and MUMPS databases, with the former developed originally as an operating system with an embedded database and the latter as a programming language and database for the development of healthcare systems.
The relational model was proposed by E. F. Codd in 1970. He criticized existing models for confusing the abstract description of information structure with descriptions of physical access mechanisms. For a long while, however, the relational model remained of academic interest only. While CODASYL products (IDMS) and network model products (IMS) were conceived as practical engineering solutions taking account of the technology as it existed at the time, the relational model took a much more theoretical perspective, arguing (correctly) that hardware and software technology would catch up in time. Among the first implementations were Michael Stonebraker's Ingres at Berkeley, and the System R project at IBM. Both of these were research prototypes, announced during 1976. The first commercial products, Oracle and DB2, did not appear until around 1980. The first successful database product for microcomputers was dBASE for the CP/M and PC-DOS/MS-DOS operating systems.
During the 1980s, research activity focused on distributed database systems and database machines. Another important theoretical idea was the Functional Data Model, but apart from some specialized applications in genetics, molecular biology, and fraud investigation, the world took little notice.
In the 1990s, attention shifted to object-oriented databases. These had some success in fields where it was necessary to handle more complex data than relational systems could easily cope with, such as spatial databases, engineering data (including software repositories), and multimedia data. Some of these ideas were adopted by the relational vendors, who integrated new features into their products as a result. The 1990s also saw the spread of Open Source databases, such as PostgreSQL and MySQL.
In the 2000s, the fashionable area for innovation is the XML database. As with object databases, this has spawned a new collection of start-up companies, but at the same time the key ideas are being integrated into the established relational products. XML databases aim to remove the traditional divide between documents and data, allowing all of an organization's information resources to be held in one place, whether they are highly structured or not.
What is a Data base..
Database management systems (DBMS) are the software used to organize and maintain the database. These are categorized according to the database model that they support. The model tends to determine the query languages that are available to access the database. A great deal of the internal engineering of a DBMS, however, is independent of the data model, and is concerned with managing factors such as performance, concurrency, integrity, and recovery from hardware failures. In these areas there are large differences between products.
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Jay and the Peacock (aesop)
(no comment)
The Horse and Groom (aesop)
A man may smile yet be a villain
The Horse, Hunter and Stag (aesop)
If you allow men to use you for your own purposes, they will use you for theirs.
The Hunter and the Woodman (aesop)
The hero is brave in deeds as well as words.
The Eagle and the Fox (aesop)
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
The Dog and the Wolf (aesop)
Better starve free than be a fat slave.
Little by little does the trick.
Not everything you see is what it appears to be.
The Crow and the Pitcher (aesop)
Little by little does the trick.
The Boy and the Nettles (aesop)
Whatever you do, do with all your might.
The Boys and the Frogs (aesop)
SOME BOYS, playing near a pond, saw a number of Frogs in thewater and began to pelt them with stones. They killed several ofthem, when one of the Frogs, lifting his head out of the water,cried out: "Pray stop, my boys: what is sport to you, is death tous.
One man's pleasure may be another's pain.
The Boy and the Filberts (aesop)
A BOY put his hand into a pitcher full of filberts. He graspedas many as he could possibly hold, but when he tried to pull outhis hand, he was prevented from doing so by the neck of thepitcher. Unwilling to lose his filberts, and yet unable towithdraw his hand, he burst into tears and bitterly lamented hisdisappointment. A bystander said to him, "Be satisfied with halfthe quantity, and you will readily draw out your hand."
Do not attempt too much at once.
The Bald Man and the Fly (aesop)
Revenge will hurt the avenger
The Ant and the Grasshopper (aesop)
(no comment)
The Ant and the Dove (aesop)
One good turn deserves another
The Ant and the Chrysalis (aesop)
An Ant nimbly running about in the sunshine in search of food cameacross a Chrysalis that was very near its time of change. TheChrysalis moved its tail, and thus attracted the attention of the Ant,who then saw for the first time that it was alive. "Poor, pitiableanimal!" cried the Ant disdainfully. "What a sad fate is yours!While I can run hither and thither, at my pleasure, and, if I wish,ascend the tallest tree, you lie imprisoned here in your shell, withpower only to move a joint or two of your scaly tail." The Chrysalisheard all this, but did not try to make any reply. A few days after,when the Ant passed that way again, nothing but the shell remained.Wondering what had become of its contents, he felt himself suddenlyshaded and fanned by the gorgeous wings of a beautiful Butterfly."Behold in me," said the Butterfly, "your much-pitied friend! Boastnow of your powers to run and climb as long as you can get me tolisten." So saying, the Butterfly rose in the air, and, borne alongand aloft on the summer breeze, was soon lost to the sight of theAnt forever.
Appearances are deceptive.
The Old Woman and the Physician (aesop)
He who plays a trick must be prepared to take a joke
The North Wind and the Sun (aesop)
Persuasion is better than Force.
The Miser and His Gold (aesop)
Wealth unused might as well not exist.
The Mice and the Weasels (aesop)
The more honor the more danger.
The Lion and the Mouse (aesop)
Little friends may prove great friends.
The Oxen and the Axle-Trees (aesop)
Those who suffer most cry out the least.
The Monkey and the Dolphin (aesop)
Those who pretend to be what they are not, sooner or later, find themselves in deep water
The Milk-Woman and Her Pail (aesop)
A FARMER'S daughter was carrying her Pail of milk from the fieldto the farmhouse, when she fell a-musing. "The money for whichthis milk will be sold, will buy at least three hundred eggs. The eggs, allowing for all mishaps, will produce two hundred andfifty chickens. The chickens will become ready for the marketwhen poultry will fetch the highest price, so that by the end ofthe year I shall have money enough from my share to buy a newgown. In this dress I will go to the Christmas parties, whereall the young fellows will propose to me, but I will toss my headand refuse them every one." At this moment she tossed her head inunison with her thoughts, when down fell the milk pail to theground, and all her imaginary schemes perished in a moment.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched
Mercury and the Workmen (aesop)
Honesty is the best policy
The Man and the Serpent (aesop)
Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten.
The Man and His Two Wives (aesop)
Yield to all and you will soon have nothing to yield
The Man and His Two Sweethearts (aesop)
Those who seek to please everybody please nobody.
The Lost Wig (aesop)
Wit always has an answer ready.
The Little Boy and Fortune (aesop)
fatigue on the very brink of a deep well. Being within an inch of
falling into the water, Dame Fortune, it is said, appeared to him, and
waking him from his slumber, thus addressed him: "Little boy, pray
wake up: for had you fallen into the well, the blame will be thrown on
me, and I shall get an ill name among mortals; for I find that men are
sure to blame their calamities to me, however much by their own
folly they have really brought them on themselves."
Every one is more or less master of his own fate.
The Lion in Love (aesop)
marriage to her parents. The old people did not know what to say.
They did not like to give their daughter to the Lion, yet they did
not wish to enrage the King of Beasts. At last the father said:
"We feel highly honoured by your Majesty's proposal, but you see
our daughter is a tender young thing, and we fear that in the
vehemence of your affection you might possibly do her some injury.
Might I venture to suggest that your Majesty should have your
claws removed, and your teeth extracted, then we would gladly
consider your proposal again." The Lion was so much in love that
he had his claws trimmed and his big teeth taken out. But when he
came again to the parents of the young girl they simply laughed in
his face, and bade him do his worst.
Love can tame the wildest.
The Lion and the Eagle (aesop)
alliance with him to their mutual advantage. The Lion replied,
"I have no objection, but you must excuse me for requiring you to
find surety for your good faith, for how can I trust anyone as a
friend who is able to fly away from his bargain whenever he
Try before you trust.
The Lark and Her Young Ones (aesop)
Self-help is the best help.
The Kites and the Swans (aesop)
TEE KITES of olden times, as well as the Swans, had the privilegeof song. But having heard the neigh of the horse, they were soenchanted with the sound, that they tried to imitate it; and, intrying to neigh, they forgot how to sing.
The desire for imaginary benefits often involves the loss of present blessings.
The King's Son and the Painted Lion (aesop's fable)
We had better bear our troubles bravely than try to escape them.
The kid and the wolf... (aesop's fable)
In time of dire need, clever thinking is key or Outwit your enemy to save your skin.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
What my heart tells me
Who can make me feel the way you do
From the first day that we metYou made me forget all my fears
And you have shown me that God really does
Have one special heart for each of us to find
You are the one God has guided me to
What my heart tells meIs that I can never love anyone
As much as I love and care for you
And how my feelings grow stronger each day
I can't imagine not being able to hold you
I want to share my life with you for the rest of forever
You make me the person I have always hoped to be
What my heart tells me Is that God has provided me with your loving heart
And I will do everything within my power
To provide the best for you each and every day
Everytime I see you walk into a room
My heart never fails to beat faster and stronger
This is how I know you are the one for me
For the rest of the time the Lord gives meI give you my heart and for you
I will doWhat My Heart Tells Me
i love this poem
Words can't describe
My feelings for you
Which live deep inside
Feelings that grow stronger
With every beat of my heart
I knew you were the one for me
Right from the very start
There isn't a moment
In the day I can find
Where you face and smile
Don't appear in my mind
I long to be with you
And hold you so tight
To protect you and love you
Everyday and each night
We share something so special
Each and every day
A feeling in our souls
Words alone can't say
Why I fall...
I've fallen in love with you
at least a hundred times
for a hundred different reasons.
Sometimes I fall in love with you
when I watch you doing something you enjoy,
something you're so involved in that
you're unaware of my presence.
Sometimes I fall in love with you
when I listen to you talk to other people.
Whether you're being interesting and funny
or warm and caring and genuinely concerned,
you have a way of making people feel better
with nothing more than words.
Sometimes I fall in love with you
just thinking about you,
remembering all the memories we've made...
falling in love for the first time,
staying in love during the rough times,
finding more to love about each other every day.
And whenever I think about
the wonderful things that lie ahead of us,
I fall totally and completely in love with you
all over again.
romantic poem
Pondering what to say"Lord, please give me inspiration!"
Earnestly I prayed
With a pad in the left handAnd a pen in the right
I was a man on a missionNeeding a poem for tonight
They say roses a redAnd violets they are blue
No--that's a pansy beginningAnd that will never do
The sun shining bright in the day
The moon glowing in the night
No--that won't work eitherIt just doesn't sound right
You can see my dilemma
A poem to construct
Feeling broken and defeated
I wanted to give up
Then it came to me
In a vision like a dream
A picture of the woman
God has prepared specially for me
I chuckled to myselfHow could
I've not seenWith five simple words
This poem is complete
rosie lyn, will you marry me?
Beautiful character...
whether your a candle in a corner or a lighthouse on a hill.
(text msg)
always do good works
amount of love
need i say more..
Action without vision
Action without a vision is a nightmare.
like the old saying,
if you fail to plan, you plan to fail...
we must plan, and have a meaningful vision.
A quote from Gordon B. Hinckley
Whom we believe. And the only real wealth, for any of us, lies in our faith.
i honestly don't know how to explain this..but i do believe it's true..
Mahatma Ghandi pt.3
he refers to our emotional strength...
Mahatma Ghandi pt.2
we must always strive to be clean outside, but most important in the inside.. =)
A quote form Mahatma Ghandi
this is true...
Tears run down my face I can't replace
And now that I'm stronger I've figured out
How this world turns cold and breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
It's ok. It's ok. It's ok.
Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
Cuz you're my, you're my, my true love, my whole heart
Please don't throw that away
Cuz I'm here for you
Please don't walk away,
Please tell me you'll stay, stay
Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be ok
Though my skies are turning gray
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
She Doesn' get the song
All the boys got the same girls' hair
I am bored 'cause I feel much older
Look at me, as if I got a reason to stare
But you talk so loud
that it calms me down
You're crying "lets make a toast"
She says she's leaving on a Sunday
That leaves me one more night
Can I take you home?
I know it's wrong
but I know you're type
She says she's leaving on a Sunday
and I don't care.
I need to know where to turn
I tried it once
it never caught on
I was the only one who got burned
I've read every word you said
from a poster of a cat
Four books look across your sofa
I thought your coffee table
was more clever then that
It gets worse once we get to her room
as she stops and she sings
"Doot do do doot do do doot do"
I claim "new religion" is my song.
She doesn't get it
it's all before she was born
And you lock your door
Like I've been here before.
I feel like I've seen a ghost.
She says she's leaving on a Sunday
That leaves me one more night
Can I take you home?
I know it's wrong
but I know you're type
She says she's leaving on a Sunday
and I don't care.
I need to know where to turn
I tried it once
it never caught on
I was the only one who got burned
I was the only one who got burned
Suddenly between sheets and eyelids
I am reminded why I don't do this
I fall in love far too quickly
I never want her to forget me
When you're gone
Will you call?
Will you write?
She says she's leaving on a Sunday
That leaves me one more night
Can I take you home?
I know it's wrong
but I know you're type
She says she's leaving on a Sunday
and I don't care.
I need to know where to turn
I tried it once
it never caught on
I was the only one who got burned
I was the only one who got burned
I was the only one who got burned
I was the only one who got burned
As lovers Dashboard confessional
"And i said "you must be mistaken,Cause i'm not fooling...this feeling is real"
She said...she said "you gotta be crazy,What do you take me for? Some kind of easy mark?
" No, you've got wits, you've got looks, You've got passion, but I swear that you've got me all wrong."
All wrong.All wrong.But you got me...
I'll be true, i'll be useful...I'll be cavalier...i'll be yours my dear.And i'll belong to you...If you'll just let me through.
This is easy as lovers go,So don't complicate it by hesitating.And this is wonderful as loving goes,This is tailor-made, whats the sense in waiting?And i said "i've gotta be honestI've been waiting for you all my life."For so long i thought i was asylum bound,But just seeing you makes me think twice.And being with you here makes me sane,I fear i'll go crazy if you leave my side.You've got've got looks,You've got passion but are you brave enough to leave with me tonight?Tonight.Tonight.But you've got me...I'll be true, i'll be useful...I'll be cavalier...i'll be yours my dear.And i'll belong to you...If you'll just let me through.This is easy as lovers go,So don't complicate it by hesitating.And this is wonderful as loving goes,This is tailor-made, whats the sense in waiting?This is easy as lovers go,So don't complicate it by hesitating.And this is wonderful as loving goes,This is tailor-made, whats the sense in waiting?
A sad song about infidelity....
Avoiding the spots where we'd have to speak,
And this bottle of beastIs taking me home
I'm cuddling closeTo blankets and sheets
But you're not alone, and you're not discreet
Make sure I know who's taking you home.
I'm reading your note over again
There's not a word that I comprehend,
Except when you signed it"I will love you always and forever."
Well As for now I'm gonna hear the saddest songs
And sit alone and wonder
How you're making out
But as for me, I wish that I was anywhere with anyone
Making out.
I'm missing your laugh
How did it break?And when did your eyes begin to look fake?
I hope you're as happy as you 're pretending.
I'm cuddling closeTo blankets and sheets
I am aloneIn my defeat I wish I knew you were safely at home
I'm missing your bedI never sleepAvoiding the spots where we'd have speak, andThis bottle of beast is taking me home.[2.]Your hair, it's everywhere.Screaming infidelitiesAnd taking its wear.[Repeat Four times]
my favorite DASHBOARD SONG
this air is blessed,you share with me.
This night is wild,so calm and dull,these hearts they race,
from self control.
Your legs are smooth,as they graze mine,
we're doing fine,we're doing nothing at all.
My hopes are so high,that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me,so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst,to break or bury,
or wear as jewelery,which ever you prefer.T
he words are hushed lets not get busted;
just lay entwined here, undiscovered.
Safe in here from all the stupid questions.
"hey did you get some?"Man, that is so dumb.
Stay quiet, stay near, stay close they can't hear...
so we can get some.
My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me, so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst,to break or bury,
or wear as jewelery,which ever you prefer.
Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember,
I'll always remember the sound of the stereo,
the dim of the soft lights,the scent of your hair
that you twirled in your fingersand the time on the clock
when we realized it's so lateand this walk that we shared together.
The streets were wetand the gate was locked so I jumped it,
and I let you in.And you stood at your door
with your hands on my waist
and you kissed me like you meant it.
And I knew that you meant it,that you meant it,
that you meant it,and I knew,that you meant it,that you meant it.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Muhammad Ali
now we know why he was one of the greatest boxers of all time.
Teamwork pt.2
-Michael Jordan
need i say more? he proved it to be true.
-I don't know who said this.
the power of teamwork will give us better results, If we are one with our team.
Stephen R. Covey quote pt.12
-Stepehn R. Covey
an optimist person always finds a way to make things right whatever the circumstances are.
Stephen R. Covey quote pt.11
have also found that by making four simple assumptions in our lives we can immediately begin leading a more balanced, integrated, powerful life. They are simple–one for each part of our nature–but I promise you that if you do them consistently, you will find a new wellspring of strength and integrity to draw on when you need it most.
1) For the body–assume you've had a heart attack; now live accordingly.
2) For the mind–assume the half-life of your profession is two years; now prepare accordingly.
3) For the heart–assume everything you say about another, they can overhear; now speak accordingly.
4) For the spirit–assume you have a one-on-one visit with your Creator every quarter; now live accordingly.
read first the book "7 habits of highly effective people" then read this part..
Stephen R. Covey quote pt.10
i'm speechless.. i don't need to explain this..
Stephen R. Covey quote pt.9
-Stephen R. Covey
while were living in the present, it's a wise thing to learn from the past, and a good thing to
live our imaginations for the future...
Stephen R. Covey quote pt.8
Stephen R. Covey
we should prioritize things that would help us the most or would make a huge difference in our life.
Stephen R. Covey quote pt.7
-Stephen R. Covey
actions speaks louder than words..
Stephen R. Covey quote pt.6
-Stephen R. Covey
i find this statement amazing.. if were strong physically in the outside, then we must strive to be stronger from the inside.. =)
Stephen R. Covey quote pt.5
-Stephen R. Covey
with these 3 constants in our life, we will continue to learn, improve and will always be better.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Cool romantic song...
Or some kind of addiction
Can’t seem to get you out of my system
What good have you done to me
Feels so stuck like glue
Turn the pages in my head if its only you
I don’t care I would do anything to be near you
I would go anywhere to be near you
Am I truly hopeless
Am I being pathetic
Are you even aware of my existence
Would mean everything to me
if you spend a little time
Could you give in to me with the least resistance
I don’t care I would do anything to be near you
I would go anywhere to be near you
I don’t care I would go anywhere to be near you
I would do anything to be near you (3x)
I would do anything
I would go anywhere To be near you
To be near youI would do anything
Go anywhere I don’t care
I would do anythingAnything just to be near you
this song is sang by a filipina named viktoria..
this song is for people who are so inloved..
maam sheila, listen to this sa net po.. you will like it.. =)
Favorite "Beatles" song..
Would you promise to be true
And help me understand'cause
I've been in love before
And I found that love was more
Than just holding hands
If I give my heart to you
I must be sureFrom the very start
That you would love me more than her
If I trust in you, oh please
Don't run and hide
If I love you too, oh please
Don't hurt my pride like her'cause
I couldn't stand the pain
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
So I hope you see that
IWould love to love you
And that she will cry
When she learns we are two cause
I couldn't stand the pain
and I would be sad if our new love was in vain
so I hope you see that
Iwould love to love you
and that she will cry when she learns we are two.
If I fell in love with you
maam sheila, trust me if someone sings this song to you, you will fall inlove with him!!
if you know this song, sing it as you read it. If not po, please listen to it sa internet... PLEASE!
Crazy over you - sung by 112
T'was like a dream come true
And my love for you will never end oh no
Was such a special night
You lay right by my side
And I told you things I never told a soul
And now that I have you babe
I promise I'll never leave
Cuz you are the only one that makes my life complete...
[Chorus:]And I'm,Crazy over you,
I dont know what to do,
I'm Crazy over you...
A love that never ends
You're more than just a friend
And my heart and soul I'll always give to you,
The only in my life
Someday you'll be my wife,
And I'll be with you until the end of time...
And now that I have you babe
I promise I'll never leave
Cuz you are the only one that makes my love complete...
It doesnt matter what you say or do
Because I love you (And I know you love me too)
Love me, kiss me, and hold me in your arms
Lets me know you're crazy over me
And I'm Crazy over you
Cuz you are the only one,
To make my life complete...
[Chorus until end]
i just love this song, it reminds me of someone I loved.
but now, i'm more inlove of someone better than her!!! yup!! BETTER THAN HER!!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Bright Side of Life
let us look at the bright side only.
-Mahatma Gandhi
lets be optmistic...every little thing's gonna be alright as long as you're doing your part.
Stephen R. Covey (quote) pt.4
and to chamge ourselves effectively,
we first have to change our perceptions.
-Stephen R. Covey
(The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)
everything starts withinh our thoughts..
Stephen R. Covey (quote) pt.3
-Stephen R. Covey
(The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)
When do we begin our journey? NOW!let's develop the habit of not procastinating when to begin.if we master that habit we will rise to different heights in our life.
Stephen R. Covey (quote) pt.2
the way we see things is the source of the way
we thinkand the way we act
-Stephen R. Covey
(The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)
It is related to my other post "Sow an act"
What we sow is what we reap.
If we sow good acts, we will reap goodness...ambot maam.=)
Stephen R. Covey (quote)
-Stephen R. Covey
(The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)
(comments)As I was reading this chapter I learned that all thingsare created twice. There's a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation.Yes, it does make sense. =)
Monday, March 3, 2008
However hard it tried,
Could never sink the smallest ship
Unless it got inside.
And all the evil in the world,
The blackest kind of sin,
Can never hurt you the least bit
Unless you let it in.
-Author Unknown
we commit sins, we also ommit them..
let's just be wise and learn from our mistakes...
or better, learn from others mistakes. =)
Go comfort the weeping, the weary;
Go scatter kind deeds on your way.
Oh, make the world brighter today!
-Mrs. Frank A. Breck
before we end our day, let's ask ourselves;
have i done any good in the world today?
have i helped anyone in need?
have i cheered up the sad? and made someone feel glad?
if not, i have failed indeed...
maybe i will do better tomorrow.
Beginners are many, but enders are few.
Honor, power, place, and praise
Will come, in time, to the one who stays.
Stick to your task till it stick to you;
Bend at it, sweat at it, smile at it too;
For out of the bend and the sweat and the smile
Will come life's victories, after awhile.
-Author Unknown
Here are three of the most important principles in our life, Diligence, patience and endurance.
If we master these 3 principles, we will have a successful life.
Never leave it till it's done.
Be the labor great or small,
Do it well or not at all.
-Author Unknown
in whatever task were given, we might as well do our best
or do it not..
Until the breath in him is gone;
But the champion has the iron will;
That makes him carry on.
For rest, the average runner begs,
When limp his muscles grow;
But the champion runs on leaden legs
His spirit makes him go.
The average man's complacent
When he does his best to score;
But the champion does his best
And then he does a little more.
-Author Unknown
my opinion to this, champions are not borned,
they are being made...strive to do your all in all things
and you will see good things..
Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean
And the pleasant land. . . .
Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Help to make earth happy
Like the heaven above.
-Julia Fletcher Carney
like my other posts...small things in this world really
do mean a let's always go for the "little" extra mile.. =)
From cradle days through to the end,
You are writing your life's secret story,
Each night sees another page penned.
Each month ends a thirty-page chapter;
Each year, the end of a part;
And never an act is misstated,
Nor even a wish of the heart.
Each morn when you wake, the book opens,
Revealing a page clean and white;
What thoughts and what words and what doings
Will cover its surface by night!
God leaves that to you—you the writer—
And never one word will grow dim
Until someday you write the word "finish"
And give back your life's book to Him.
-Author Unknown
that's why we have to be very careful in our everyday lives.
we need to meet the standards of our maker. =)
Sunday, March 2, 2008
And very small beginnings Have oft a mighty end. . . .
Our life is made entirely Of moments multiplied,
As little streamlets, joining,Form the ocean's tide.
-Author Unknown
every little thing counts
He who knows not and knows not that he knows notIs a fool—shun him.
He who knows not and knows that he knows notIs simple—teach him.
He who knows and knows not that he knowsIs asleep—awaken him.
He who knows and knows that he knowsIs wise—follow him.
-Persian Proverb
this is easy to understand..let us be like the wise man.
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it hardly behooves any of us
To talk about the rest of us.
-Author Unknown
There's one of us that's humble, one that's proud,
There's one that's broken-hearted for his sins,
There's one that unrepentant sits and grins;
There's one that loves his neighbor as himself,
And one that cares for naught but fame and pelf.
From much corroding care I should be free
If I could once determine which is me!
-Edward Sanford Martin
we must choose what life we want to live, and how to live it...
we must also act wisely.. =)
A tale to you someone has told
About another, make it pass,
Before you speak, three gates of gold.
These narrow gates: First, "Is it true?
"Then, "Is it needful?" In your mind
Give truthful answer.
And the nextIs last and narrowest,
"Is it kind?"And if to reach your lips at last
It passes through these gateways three,
Then you may tell the tale, nor fear
What the result of speech may be.
-Author Unknown
Words have wings, it's hard to avoid this kind of stuff...
People love to gossip... What if we just look on their good side
and let them live teir own life..
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.
-John Wesley
this is an inspiring thought..
I believe, if we work hard in whatever we do,
good things will happen. =)
He had never won applause As a star in any game.
His was not a brilliant style;His was not a forceful way.
But he had a gentle smile And a kindly word to say.
-Edgar A. Guest
this is what i'm trying to do...and i'm improving everyday.(hopefully)
if only, all the people in the world will want to do the same, we will surely
have a good day, everyday! =)
We cannot forget the old.
The new ones are like silver,
The old ones purest gold.
-Author Unknown
yup, it's true...old friends are still the best, and NO ONE
could EVER replace them..
If you worry, you do not trust.
-Author Unknown
I think i no longer need to explain this..
But never teach
Unless they practice
What they preach.
-Author Unknown
If we talk the talk,
Then let's walk the walk... (get it?)
Let us not be as hypocrtites of old...
That if every man were such as you,
And every life a life like yours,
This earth would be God's Paradise.
-Author Unknown
Our example means a lot to others.
By living a good life, we inspire others to
live a good life too, at least in some other ways.
Imagine what would become of the world if everyone
will strive to set a good example...?
We wikll find heaven here on earth...yes!! that's true!
So in order to accomplish this, we need to start now, and we need top start
within oursleves... =)
Too slow for those who wait,
Too swift for those who fear,
Too long for those who grieve,
Too short for those who rejoice;
But for those who love,
Time is Eternity.
-Author Unknown
As what they say "Time is gold"...
Let us always make use of our time wisely.
Make the most out of it...
We cannot turn back time, so let us
live the present like it's our last... =)
And clowns that caper in sawdust rings
And just plain folks like you and me
Are builders for eternity?
To each is given a bag of tools,
A shapeless mass and a book of rules,
And each must build, ere life has flown,
A stumbling block or a steppingstone.
-R. L. Sharpe
in everything we do it creates a effect all through out
eternity, a stumbling block or a stepping stone...
so when the time comes that we have to make a decision
we must think first and think wisely...
Sow an act, reap a habit;
Sow a habit, reap a character;
Sow a character, reap an eternal destiny.
-E. D. Boardman
Our eternal destiny begins with our thoughts...
So let us be wise